
Monday, May 9, 2011

Joining the Ranks of the Employed (again)

Don't pass out or anything but I am actually doing a post and it's not a Ten on Tuesday either!!  I know I totally missed last weeks but I've had a lot going on and frankly blogging is taking a back seat.  But here I am getting ready to fill you in.

I am now employed!! To catch any of you up who don't know I have been a stay at home mom for over seven years now.  Back in August I headed back to work (part time) at a major portrait studio.  I liked it and wanted to eventually go on full time.  But that was just not in the cards for me.  I was laid off/let go in February.  So I hit the pavement trying to find something else.  Now I went to school for special education and taught in the public schools before my son was born.  I liked teaching but special education requires so much extra meeting time after school and paper work that I just didn't want to go back to that (I love staying home raising my kids but financially I have to work now) and my state teaching licence expired and in this economy I would have to get it renewed to even think about getting hired in the public school system again (money and time I don't have).  I have an Etsy business that I LOVE but working up a client base and marketing takes time.   One day my dream is become a full time Etsy seller but for now I just don't make enough.  About a month ago my husband called me up from work to tell me about a position opening at his college (he works for a local community college).  The position was for a part time compensatory education instructor.  Really just a fancy term for a basic skills teacher for adults with mental retardation and traumatic brain injury.  I thought it sounded perfect since it was in my field  but not in the public schools and part time.  So long story short I interviewed two weeks ago and was offered the position last Monday.  I have since been in to train and fill out paperwork and observe another class (to get my bearings).  The class is during school hours and only 3 days a week!  I am so excited about it.  I am nervous too since it's been a long time since I taught but I am excited to get back to it. 

So the last two weeks have been mostly focused on my new job but I have also been working full stem on my Etsy shop and trying to come up with new products but also just trying to get my work out to more people.  So here is a picture of my latest Flower Mobile.  It's a new color scheme (Black and White) but I also played around with different flower sizes and  paper material.  This one was made with some beautiful handmade paper, scrapbook paper and even some really fun clear plastic scrapbook paper.

I also participated in a big yard sale (which also had other home based businesses attending) the weekend before last.  I didn't sell much but I got a lot of feedback on my work.  It also got my name out there which is huge.  I had my husband take a picture of the booth just because I thought it would be fun.

My Craft Booth Set up

Last week was also teacher appreciation week at my son's school (they sure didn't have that when I was teaching).  Anyway each day had a different theme.  We (the parents) provided lunch every day for the teachers and then I sent in something each day for the theme.  For example Wednesday was restocking day so I sent in glue sticks (which was on the list of things his teacher needed).  Thursday was send your teacher a flower day.  I love getting fresh flowers but I figured she and the assistant would be getting quite a few already so I decided to make some origami flowers for them and make them into bouquets.  It came out better than I expected!  So I just had to share.

The Teacher's Origami Flower Bouquet

The Assistant's Origami Flower Bouquet

The Origami Flower Bouquet with handmade tag from the side

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