
Monday, June 17, 2013

Movie Monday - The Internship

We can all agree I pretty much suck at keeping up with this blogging thing.  So as I was sitting in my very cool mom mini van waiting for my friend Ivy to get to the movie theater, inspiration stuck.  I love going to the movies.  In fact I go just about once a week.  It's my escape from the real world for 2 hours.  I'm lucky enough to have found a friend who loves the movies too.  Ivy and I manage to sneak away once week to see whatever movie catches our fancy.  So anyway it hit me that I should at the very least blog about the movies I see every Monday. 

So this week I'm reviewing The Internship starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.  The basic premise of this movie is two middle aged salesmen (Vaughn and Wilson)  lose their jobs and decide to try to win coveted jobs at Google through their summer internship program.  Lots of Vaughn rants and nerd references abound. My favorite was the Quidditch match.  Yes, there is a Quidditch match and if you don't know what Quidditch is you most likely won't get 90% of the jokes in the movie.  But I laughed through all of it! In fact Ivy and I agreed it was one of the better movies we've seen a long time.  We both really loved the actress Rose Byrne who played the part of Owen Wilson's love interest.  It also made me want to get a job at Google.  But most importantly Google I now know you have Google Wallet, Google Drive and a whole host of other products I just can't live without.  Aside from all the product placement I really enjoyed The Internship immensely.

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