
About Me

Hi! My Name is Mommy or Katie and I will answer to just about any variation of the two.  I have two kids, a husband, two jobs, a dog, a cat, friends and just a few hundred other things going on in my life.  I work part time as a teacher to adults with intellectual disabilities and I run my own Etsy shop.  I make origami mobiles, origami ornaments, frames, mirrors and things that catch my fancy.  I love to travel, scrapbook, read, watch TV and go to the movies.  I started this blog a few years ago when I was a stay at home mom.  It started as a place to vent and just share what was going on in my life.  And it still is even though I no longer am a stay at home mom.  Economic circumstances forced me back to work a little over a year ago but I now love what I do!  I also love expressing myself on this blog.  So if you have any suggestions, questions or comments you can email me here if your so inclined.